前回のカメラプリセットコントローラ「巡回くん」の添付画像を自動保存してみた^^ (Thunderbird編)ではメーラー「Thunderbird」とアドオン「AttachmentExtractor」の組み合わせでカメラプリセットコントローラ「巡回くん」のメール添付画像をローカルフォルダに保存する方法を説明しました。
(noriaki blog はてな出張所の記事を参考にさせていただきました)
/* Auto-Save your Gmail Image Attachments to Google Drive ====================================================== Fork written by Akio Higuchi on 17/07/2014 The default Google Drive folder for saving the image attachments is "GmailAttachments" match the email-add ress(to),email-address(from) and email-subject. once the message has been processed, Gmail applies the label "Processed" to that message. You can change the defaults in line 43 & 44. Auto-Save your Gmail Image Attachments to Google Drive ====================================================== Fork written by Noriaki Uchiyama on 11/05/2013 The default Google Drive folder for saving attachments is "GmailAttachments" only has GMail label "@gdrive" and once the message has been processed, Gmail applies the label "Processed" to that message. You can change the defaults in line 38 to 40. Auto-Save your Gmail Image Attachments to Google Drive ====================================================== Written by Amit Agarwal on 05/28/2013 To get started, choose Run -> Authorize and grant the necessary permissions. Then choose Run -> StartProgram. The default Google Drive folder for saving the image attachments is "Gmail Images" and once the message has been processed, Gmail applies the label "Processed" to that message. You can change the defaults in line 26 & 26. */ var FROM_MAIL_ADDRESS = "higuchi.akio@gmail.com" var MAIL_SUBJECT = "[巡回]BB-HCM100" // Authorize the Google Apps Script function Authorize() { StartProgram(); } // Initialize the Script function StartProgram() { var DRIVE_FOLDER = "GmailAttachments"; var GMAIL_LABEL = "Processed"; createGmailLabel(GMAIL_LABEL); createDriveFolder(DRIVE_FOLDER); createTrigger(); } // The script will check your Gmail mailbox every minute // with the help of a CLOCK based trigger. function createTrigger() { var triggers = ScriptApp.getScriptTriggers(); for(var i in triggers) { ScriptApp.deleteTrigger(triggers[i]); } ScriptApp.newTrigger('saveGmailAttachments') .timeBased() .everyMinutes(1) .create(); } // If the Gmail label is unavailable, create one. function createGmailLabel(name) { if ( ! GmailApp.getUserLabelByName(name) ) { GmailApp.createLabel(name); } ScriptProperties.setProperty("LABEL", name); } // If the Google Drive folder is not present, create one. function createDriveFolder(name) { var folders = DriveApp.getFolders(); var folder, found = false; while (folders.hasNext()) { folder = folders.next(); if (folder.getName() === name) { found = true; break; } } if ( ! found ) { DriveApp.createFolder(name); } ScriptProperties.setProperty("FOLDER_ID", folder.getId()); } // This will auto-save the image attachments from Gmail to Google Drive function saveGmailAttachments() { var from_mailaddress = FROM_MAIL_ADDRESS; var mailsubject = MAIL_SUBJECT; var label_name = ScriptProperties.getProperty("LABEL"); var label = GmailApp.getUserLabelByName(label_name); var folderID = DriveApp.getFolderById(ScriptProperties.getProperty("FOLDER_ID")); // Scan for threads that have image attachments var threads = GmailApp.search("in:all -in:spam -in:trash -in:" + label_name + " has:attachment filename:jpg" + " from:" + from_mailaddress + " subject:" + mailsubject , 0, 10); try { for (var x=0; x<threads.length; x++) { var messages = threads[x].getMessages(); for (var y=0; y<messages.length; y++) { var attachments = messages[y].getAttachments(); for (var z=0; z<attachments.length; z++) { var file = attachments[z]; // Only save image attachments that have the MIME type as image. if (file.getContentType().match(/image/gi)) { folderID.createFile(file); } } } // Process messages are labelled to skip them in the next iteration. threads[x].addLabel(label); } } catch (e) { Logger.log(e.toString()); } }
var FROM_MAIL_ADDRESS = "送信元メールアドレス" var MAIL_SUBJECT = "「巡回くん」メールタイトル"
また、124行目あたりでGmailの検索を行っています。クエリを書き換えて検索条件をかえることができます。(Gmail 詳細検索の説明はこちら)